Let's Talk About Blogs
This is one of my favorite times of the year because I catch up with editing to a point that I am able to post a handful of blog posts before the spring season kicks into gear and I give my clients my full attention. I titled this page as “stories” some time ago and I’ve found that in the last few years I’ve been telling those stories in two ways: 1) directly to my clients in their private galleries and 2) in snippets on Instagram. In fact I’ve considered dropping this part of the site completely but I do miss the long form version of those stories and there’s still no better place than a blog. I love the magical in-between moments from every session, wedding, and elopement.
Obviously 2020 saw the wedding industry take a dive as a whole but in 2019 I photographed something like 150,000 photos and other than my clients nearly all of those photos are just quietly waiting on hard drives! Even this last season I shot more than 80,000 photos so I’m going to share some of those long form stories in posts to come. These are the stories that have pushed my business through one of the craziest seasons ever and have reminded us all of the importance of photography.
Now where to start…?